viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

Festival Reggae Naciones (Canarias 2011):

El Festival se realizará en Santa Lucia de Tirajana en las intalaciones del Parque Juvenil que posee el ayuntamiento, un lugar incomparable para realizar un evento de esta magnitud.

Este verano volvemos a disfrutar del Festival Reggae Naciones , uno de los eventos de Reggae más potente de las islas Canarias...

+info: -

2 comentarios:


  2. request and pray ---every human every soul either good or bad ,angle or evil ,sinner,demon , god or devil every one want to live as a good humanbeing --please save
    ------------------requests to all to request and pray, enemities,quarrels ,old evil (bhudhi) intelligence of sins like vengeances , kama (so far which are the cause for every bad happenings ),enemities to destroy,spoiling others, hates for others all bad wisedom, bad evil thoughts, be change to good & noble and betterment for others, intelligence not commiting sins and not doing bad for others,.and save every soul ,grand soul, humans , balas in back bones , kundlani power , every molecules of humans and creatures ..
    ----------------------------------------in india ,tamilnadu ,human souls are taken under earth ,under rocks ,even to several thousnds kilometers under rocks under old revenges ,vengenes ,conspirancies ,polatics and given different shapes .in sevrages and made like aliens .please save ..taking under earth and beating and burning .please save .to every one .every molecules .and request to bring all the souls ,creatures from under earth to on earth .please save from pains sufferings .please save
    --------------------every bad things ,destructions happens because of me .

    message for request .please request you to from the time ancient ,puranic times ,there may be mistakes of one or two persons .mistakes would have been due to bad wisedom or bad fate and which made sinner and sinner and could not come out of sins . due to that others also victims .at those times itself some wise peoples would have taken proper steps for betterment that mistakes should not be repeated .there would have been no bad happenings..

    human souls ,are taken under earth .please request you to request make bring back all the souls ,every molecules back on earth .and make good dissison to save every one or REQUEST to give DEATH for ME ,MOTHER ,and FATHER ,and even to my TWO BROTHERS,and ONE SISTER to soul ,grand soul ,kundaliy , by giving or injecting POSION ( which science & scientits can produce ) and ( shown in the "DASAVATARAM "tamil & hindi india movie )BURN infront of ALL ON THE EARTH ONLY .
